Furthermore, Dr. Simonson defines holistic as an approach that not only utilizes a more complete array of treatment options but also utilizes a broader method of evaluating and examining a patient. Rather than only focusing in on the primary complaint, she will evaluate the “whole” horse from head to tail, inside and out,looking for overall imbalances and suggestions of weakness in the horse’s structure and function. This holistic approach, for instance, utilizes not only a traditional examination of listening to heart and lungs and palpating limbs, but also an osteopathic examination looking for osteopathic disorders, an acupunctural scan looking for possible blockages of chi, and finally a discussion of the horse’s diet looking for nutritional deficiencies or excesses. After a thorough examination, a diagnosis is offered and a treatment plan is formulated utilizing a wide array of therapies that are all directed toward giving the body what it needs to heal.
Whereas conventional medicine, it can be said, is primarily directed toward treating symptoms, the alternative therapies have the potential for resolving the underlying problem or at least giving the body the resources it needs to heal. Therefore, often times, conventional wisdom is completely abandoned for the alternative more “natural” approach. It is our belief that conventional medicine can still play a key role at times and should not be completely discounted and overlooked. The consideration and possible integration of both is of paramount importance. Conventional medicine and surgery can save lives in a way that buys us time for the other modalities to work. When assessing each patient, Dr. Simonson will incorporate whatever treatment modality is in the highest and best good and will draw from the following: acupuncture, osteopathy, nutrition, homeopathy/homotoxicology, herbal medicine, essential oils, flower essences, and traditional medicine, just to name a few. Please refer to the medicine bag for a more detailed description of the treatment options available and how they are best utilized.